Catacombs of Solaris clone

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Screen Resolution: x

Main Controls:

Click on the screen to start, and press escape to exit
w,a,s,d to move, q to distort, r to reset
hold Shift to run

More Controls:

t to change the texture
e to toggle random hallways (if the screen lags, try turning this off)
f to toggle fisheye lens
i, o, and p to reset, increase, and decrease FOV (FOV will only go above 180 in fisheye mode)
b/h,n/j,m/k to increase/decrease room size, room height, and wall length respectively, and ',' to set to default
l to toggle inverted mouse
type '~' to win!

(also, collision detection can be turned off by setting collisions=false in the html script, but rendering inside of solid objects may cause flashing imagery.)

What is this?

A while ago, I stumbled across The Catacombs of Solaris Revisited by Ian MacLarty, and decided that I wanted to recreate it in C++. I had never made a 3D renderer before, nor had I ever used C++ for much other than Arduinos, so it was a great learning experience all around. I wanted other people to be able to play it too, so I rewrote the program to work in JavaScript, and here we are! See the controls below.

(you can see the origional C++ code on My other GitHub repository.)